Climbing, Adventures and Lifestyle

We enter this world looking like our parents but we leave this world looking like our choices…

What will yours look like?

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Going to the Mountains with my 4 Month Old
Lifestyle, Adventures Brigitte Ngo-Trinh Lifestyle, Adventures Brigitte Ngo-Trinh

Going to the Mountains with my 4 Month Old

I told myself when I was pregnant that when my baby comes out, my adventures aren’t going to stop. He is just going to go with me, and that is what I did! Snow hit the mountain tops and for our first big adventure together, we went for my first time back on the board since being pregnant and baby J’s first snow!

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My Birth Story: Trust Your Intuition
Lifestyle Brigitte Ngo-Trinh Lifestyle Brigitte Ngo-Trinh

My Birth Story: Trust Your Intuition

Trust your intuition! Sometimes, even over the doctors opinion! You are much more in tuned with your body and your baby than anyone else and if something feels off, get it checked. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise or make you feel like you are crazy, even if that person is you!

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5 Must have Clothing Pieces For A Summer Pregnancy
Lifestyle Brigitte Ngo-Trinh Lifestyle Brigitte Ngo-Trinh

5 Must have Clothing Pieces For A Summer Pregnancy

Is it just me or are summers getting hotter and hotter and more unbearable every year? Summer hit like a freight train and I feel like I’m melting faster than the wicked witch of the west! They also say you sweat more when you’re pregnant. These are the 5 pieces of clothing I’ve been LIVING in this summer

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5 Things No One Talks About During Pregnancy
Lifestyle, Climbing Brigitte Ngo-Trinh Lifestyle, Climbing Brigitte Ngo-Trinh

5 Things No One Talks About During Pregnancy

When it comes to pregnancy we hear a lot about how amazing it is, how excited we must be, that we are doing such an incredible thing and yada yada yada. While growing a human life is all those things, there are quite a few really tough things a mother-to-be goes through internally alone that no one addresses, especially as an athlete.

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