“In the end, kids won’t remember the fancy toy you bought them, they will remember the time you spent with them” ~Kevin Heath

Welcome and thank you for joining me on this adventure. In case you are wondering, my name is Brigitte, aka the bougie dirtbag or chuffin’ t-Rex, and I started 2023 with the most precious gift I could have ever asked for. New Years Eve 2022, I found out I was pregnant with my first child. Hit with a roller coaster of emotions, I set on a brand new adventure into the great unknown.

For those of you who don’t know me, I am a big adventure enthusiast. As an avid rock climber, I spend most of my time outdoors admiring every rock and boulder thinking… “I could climb that.”

Now that I am an expecting mother, quite a few things have changed and while scouring the internet, I noticed very little information online about the transition of being a climber into becoming a climbing mama so I wanted fill that gap and share my own research and journey through this process.

When I am not climbing, you can find me flailing at board sports, hiking because my friends made me or stuffing my face because if there is anything else I love as much as being outside, it’s food!