Climbing in the Third Trimester

Looking like what they say about eating watermelon seeds is true, my fingers are screaming under the weight of my body as soon as the wall even goes slightly overhanging.

About a month into my third trimester, it’s not just climbing that has become more difficult. Hiking, walking, moving in general has become quite exhausting. My balance is off, my lower back feels the weight and it has been a while since I have last seen my toes walking. I hopped on the hang board the other day and it creaked and screamed under my new weight. My friend and I nearly died we were laughing so hard!

Between the aching boobs, growing body and general uncomfortableness of the third trimester of pregnancy, climbing gives me a semblance of normalcy that I’m not yet ready to take a step back on yet.

As long as I can keep my feet under me, I feel like I can still crush it with the rest of them! Still leading VERY easy climbs well below my abilities confidently and top roping everything else, it feels incredible to get on the wall and get movement in. I am so grateful my body still allows me to do so. Finding a different flow, working with my new body, finding new ways to balance myself, it’s like working through a new puzzle every time. It’s also a great way to get some rest from all that kicking! When I’m working out, baby is lulled to sleep.

Unable to pull my hips in close to the wall, as there is quite the obstruction in the way, and an extra 40 pounds under my belt, overhangs are almost out of the question. It’s almost comical should you be lucky enough to be a spectator. Even a jug is a struggle! I grunt and complain as if the hot air will help me go up hahaha.

Speaking of hips, Relaxin - the reproductive hormones that loosen and relax muscles, joints and ligaments during pregnancy - is definitely in full effect. My hips feel looser in a way that is going to be great to push the baby out, not so much for climbing. Higher steps that require opening of the hips feel strained as it becomes a bit harder to engage the muscles and the pregnancy sciatica starts to kick in. Luckily, I still have full control over engaging the muscles in my upper body. I have a friend who had to stop climbing in her third trimester because she couldn’t engage any of her muscles enough to support her weight on the wall and it was putting strain on her tendons.

Donning my very sexy full body harness, I feel very comfortable and safe with each move. Hanging on the other hand… not the greatest. With how big I’ve gotten, the straps pinch my belly a bit, but nothing that would determine continuing.

I have noticed strange thoughts going through my head though. Ones that have never even crossed my mind before but now that I have another life to consider, invades my peace. For example…

  • I am fully tied in to my harness through both loops, solid figure 8 knot and a nice Yosemite finish. I am as secure as it gets. While climbing I am fine. As soon as I reach the top to get lowered… “What if all this knot slips out?” I have climbed for over a decade and I know damn well this knot ain’t going nowhere, and yet… thank you brain

  • I was climbing at Malibu creek the other weekend. I have climbed there countless times, on the same routes a multitude of times over the past decade. I am friends with the ones who bolted the area, I know they are safe and yet my brain decides to stray… “This is mud rock… what if the anchor pops?” Really Brigitte? Really? 🤦‍♀️

Those are just a few of the thoughts that take up space in my mind, but it’s all worth it! Especially with how important movement and exercise is during pregnancy, and with how low impact climbing can be, I would say it is one of the best full body workouts you can continue to do during pregnancy, but that’s just my opinion.

How has your experience been?


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